Wednesday, March 01, 2006

LENT is here. It's only been a day and i'm craving chocolate and crisps. Oh well i'm sure i'll make it till easter sunday.
This week is going really quick, can't believe its already march seems like only yesterday it was new years eve. During the past few weeks I have been trying hard to more time with God, praying and listening. It's really helped, about this time last year i really felt God telling me to do something(its a secret what the actual thing is) and as i've started spending time praying I've just felt God nudging me to carry out what he asked me to start a year ago. So I have started to do this thing and it's really helping me to think about everything. Your'll just have to wait and see what the specific something is. All will be revealed by me and Gill fairly soon. we hope.
For the past week and a half, my old youth pastor has been a teacher at my school, its been quite werid seeing him around school but now I'm used to it, its quite encouraging to see him and smile.

1 comment:

gill said...

hehe, VERY soon we hope, but its one big sercret, so if you ask your not gonna find out! sorry guys and dolls! awah yeah it good wid charlie around in school ent in, having a christian you know well who you can talk to! heyyy-i miss my crisps nd fizzy drinks!! but i spoke to my mate tonight after i came off the phone to you, and i realised as we were chatting, its all about self control, i think back to the famine, think of those with nothing, chocolate and crisps etc is a luxery for us. we need to perservem we can do it. love you chickkky! xxxxxx