Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Honesty is the best policy

Do you ever get the feeling you've made a massive fool of yourself, sometimes i think i should think about what I say before I say it. I'm really scared in relationships of rejection I suppose that's why i didn't ask Chris out and waited for him to make the first move. I suppose what I'm learning is that God knows whats gonna happen in my life and I should trust him with it completely.
Infinity was really challenging but good last night, I'm learning to be honest in my group and I think the weekend away will be a chance for us to bond. Just read Gill's blog and its true about hiding feelings, I always think you have to be strong and say your fine when inside your hurting, I shouldn't just be honest with God I need to be honest with my friends and family.

Have a good week everybody
Remember God loves you and is with you whether your happy or sad

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