Saturday, March 25, 2006

Psalm 23

  • Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me;

This part of the psalm really speaks to me, on monday julia said that when we have good times in our life we are at the top of the valley and are open to the elements, when we have our bad times we are at the bottom of the valley and God is protecting us from the elements. So when we are having good times we are more open to being hurt and so things are more likely to go wrong.

Gill sent me a really nice text saying that God has everyting planned out and that there was a reason that me and Chris went out and why he came into my life.

I just have to wait and trust God with my life. I'm not gonna get miserable about the break up because I can't let it ruin my life. I'm gonna be confident in God and just be a good friend to Chris.

All good things must come to an end!!

It seems to me that life can be going really great than everything comes crashing down. Yes i'm talking bout a boy, the thing is i duno wat to do, i've never felt the way I do about him. I feel so comfortable with him and feel for him from the moment I saw him. It really got my confidence up having him there and now its all gone. I even know if I wanna help out wit mtl at my school any more, I know I should have confidence in God to help at mtl. I suppose I kinda felt the break up coming, I knew that as soon as I got the confidence to ask Bekah to help at mtl something esle would go wrong. Its always the way!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Ciao Bella

Got back from Florence yesterday, it was amazing. Didn't do much art but saw lots of famous sights, ate lots of nice waffles and ice-cream and did a lot of cheap shopping. The markets were so fun but the men were a bit werid and were always staring at you. I saw the famous David by Michelangelo which was really cool, the best place we visited was the monastary where the monks painted on the walls. So any my week has been good but now its back to the real world full off homework and school.

Friday, March 17, 2006


hey everyone, i'm in florence, just thought i would quickly write and say hi from italy, missing you all loads, hope your all having a good week, i'll see you all on sunday. I'll write a more detailed account of my trip later. Just remember god is with you always, xxx

Monday, March 13, 2006

weekend away!!!

So this weekend encounter and infinity went on our weekend away and it was really amazing. It was good getting to know the encounter girls and boys and bonding with people from infinity. Here's a quick low down on wat we did each day:

Friday- 7.30pm left church Arrived later in Buckden Buckden Towers looked well posh, the girls stayed on the top floor so we took our luggage all the way up the swirly stairs. Then our first meeting where Matt talked, he told this funny story bout a penguin. Then we played hockey which was well funny. We then had a drink and snack. Then off to bed. Claire and Alex were talking until 2.30am and chucking food at us!! And the boys were making lots of noise !!

Saturday: Woke up very tired, showered and starightened hair. Went downstairs for breakfast. Then we had our morning meeting were Lydnsey talked bout fellowship. We got given a sheet of paper that had 2 words bout fellowship, I got individuality and helping. I prayed about and it and felt God was telling me to be an individual at school and stand up for my faith also to help at mtl which has been on my heart for the last 6 months. Then we did this mini movie challenge which was really funny, ours was about a prison and we did a lot of running. After much exercise we went in for lunch, then bowling in the afternoon, we got lost getting there which was fun!! When we got back we had dinner and our evening meeting where Horward talked. After that we watched a movie called Remember the Titans which was really good and made me think about community. Then we went to bed, I moved bed three times during the nite so was very tired the next day.

Sunday: Our last day :( We got up and had breakfast. Then had our morning meeting. It was really good and me,gill and tasha got prayer for our friendship which i felt really helped us. I love u 2 so much. xx. Then we played loads of different games and packed away all our stuff. We had a lunch got everything together, cleared up and then at 3.30pm left Buckden ,we got back to wonderful luton, went home, had a shower then went to church, yer i must be mad to go out when i was tired.

The weekend was really good overall, thanks 2 all the leaders for making it good, especially Gill VDM for cooking, Andy for taking us and Toby for making me laugh. So that was my weekend, I've made some new friends, some emotions running high and the sense of belonging to a community. xxx

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Honesty is the best policy

Do you ever get the feeling you've made a massive fool of yourself, sometimes i think i should think about what I say before I say it. I'm really scared in relationships of rejection I suppose that's why i didn't ask Chris out and waited for him to make the first move. I suppose what I'm learning is that God knows whats gonna happen in my life and I should trust him with it completely.
Infinity was really challenging but good last night, I'm learning to be honest in my group and I think the weekend away will be a chance for us to bond. Just read Gill's blog and its true about hiding feelings, I always think you have to be strong and say your fine when inside your hurting, I shouldn't just be honest with God I need to be honest with my friends and family.

Have a good week everybody
Remember God loves you and is with you whether your happy or sad

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

LENT is here. It's only been a day and i'm craving chocolate and crisps. Oh well i'm sure i'll make it till easter sunday.
This week is going really quick, can't believe its already march seems like only yesterday it was new years eve. During the past few weeks I have been trying hard to more time with God, praying and listening. It's really helped, about this time last year i really felt God telling me to do something(its a secret what the actual thing is) and as i've started spending time praying I've just felt God nudging me to carry out what he asked me to start a year ago. So I have started to do this thing and it's really helping me to think about everything. Your'll just have to wait and see what the specific something is. All will be revealed by me and Gill fairly soon. we hope.
For the past week and a half, my old youth pastor has been a teacher at my school, its been quite werid seeing him around school but now I'm used to it, its quite encouraging to see him and smile.