Saturday, April 30, 2005


Yesterday me, gill, rob and sarah went prom dress shopping it was proper jokes and i got the best dress ever.
Firsty we went to St.Ives in Cambridgeshire to the shop La Muse but they didn't have any dresses I partically liked so we went to The Strand in peterbrough where I found the most gorgeous dress ever.
Well after getting my dress we drove home and went to Sainsbury's where Rob went into funny mode.
1. He found a carboard box and made a face in it with his key and then worked with it on his head knocking into like 5 people who where not impressed. IT WAS HILARIOUS
2. At the bakery section he got in the trolley and goes mummy i want that one
3. This is the most funny bit, at the till me and gill packed and then rob goes I wanted to pack, unpacked the shopping and imitated it going down the conveabelt, then asked the till man if he could re scan it just so he could pack, everyone looked at us with dirty looks.

All in all it was an excellent day and was proper funny.

The 4 of us always have our little trips- last week was northampton this week peterbrough where next week??
Maybe we should create a little book of adventous!!

1 comment:

gill said...

hehehe, hannah our trips are actully jokes!!! rob cracked me up yesterday, hes just to funny. we have quality times when we go out and we DO have some serious moments!!! me and sarah found yesterday so funny! im so glad that u are me mate and we gota start makin a book of our adventures and take pictures when we get lost to show everyone!!! love u babe xxxx