Monday, December 04, 2006

Its been too long .........

since I last posted a blog!
I remember when this used to be the craze but all that has changed now. Anyway the last week has really made me think about how much things have changed in the last year, I remember the summer I spent at the park having picnics and just chilling but now everything I do has changed. I guess that as we get older we all move on, the mates you used to see are off some where else and the things you used to enjoy seem almost childish. I now have the view that although everything has changed, I have gained new experiences which were different and good in their own way. Without moving forward we could never look back or have memories.

I would say I have definitly moved forward in my faith in the last year and that when I look back I remember the good things in the past and the people who have really impacted my life. Also the bad things I experience no longer get me down but have strengthed my relationship with God and with others.

At my youth group yesterday my old youth leader came to speak and it was an amazing talk, he has such an enthusiasm and I've missed his talks. Last night was a great night, I just had a sense of happiness and like nothing could touch me. I love the fact that me and Chris can worship and be hyper together, it always feels good to just have fun with him and he definitly makes me happy. Also when Gilly prayed for me I just felt a sense of peace, like a burden I'd been carrying had gone.

Anyway sorry for the delayed posting.